
Track Descriptions


Theories of service science

Track chair : Fu-Ren Lin


Track description

Service science, an emerging discipline in the past decade. It needs a new view to see the phenomenon occurring in societies, which may foster new theories to describe the new discovered relations among concepts that are identified due to the joint effects from socio-technological evolution. This track welcomes the research in progress or full papers on the efforts of building theories that shape the new routes of service science.


Service management

Track chair : Chun-Tuan Chang


Track description

There are so many issues involved in service management which may be tackled by researchers in the areas such as marketing, organizational behaviors, business process management, e-commerce, strategies, etc.  Thus, this track welcomes researchers to update their works related to service management with various aspects, qualitative, quantitative, or hybrid.


Service innovation

Track chair : Hen Kai Wah


Track description

The innovation of service in the perspective of service science mainly studies the institutionalization of a service system that actors in the system co-create value to achieve its viability.  It includes issues such as open innovation in service, participatory design for service innovation, policy for service innovation, business process transformation, and case studies of service innovation in different industries.


Service design

Track chair : Fei-Fei Cheng


Track description

Service design communities have widely adopted outside-in and inside-out approaches to identify the needs from stakeholders and then ideate and implement new solutions to improve the status quo of the service system.  The uniqueness of service science lies in the interdisciplinary study of service systems in which service design serves as a framework of knowing and inventing that incorporate knowledge and insights from participants in different areas of expertise.  Thus, we expect the contributions from researchers and practitioners to update their advances in methods, tools, and insights from their projects.


Technology-enabled services

Track chair : Shin-Yuan Hung


Track description

This track emphasizes on the service enabled by technologies, such as the online service, O2O service, which could occur in B2B, B2C, or other combination settings. Research works in various industries or business domains with different methodologies are welcome.


Smart services

Track chair : Robert Breitenecker


Track description

The advancement of artificial intelligence technologies empowers the automated and intelligent services in various application domains. In general, people call this type of service smart services.  It involves many issues in human computer interaction and cooperation, humanity-based AI, ethics in AI, etc. These issues may demand domain expertise from researchers in service design, machine learning, data analytics, and information systems.


Digital transformation for service

Track chair : Yuzhu Li


Track description

The trend of the digital economy drives the value creation passage toward digital channels. This creates the challenges and also the opportunities for industries to strive in such dynamic environments. For companies, especially for SMEs, the transformation toward the digital economy demands resources and managerial efforts may exceed their current capacities.  Thus, how to thrive via digital transformation for service has become a common concern in academia and industries.


Service innovation for sustainability

Track chair : San-Yih Hwang


Track description

Service innovation is the urgent mission for the emerging discipline service science to face the global challenges in sustainability in social, economic, and environmental aspects.  To understand the complex systems involved in sustainable development, it demands cross-disciplinary collaboration and joint actions.  We are looking forward to getting updated on various methods, tools, and cases in service design and innovation done by researchers and practitioners to achieve sustainability.


Extending service to the virtual world

Track chair : Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu/ Hui-Mei Hsu


Track description

After AR and VR getting popular, the integration of physical and virtual become a challenge issue for service providers. There are numerous issues related to extending existing services to or creating totally new services in the virtual world. Therefore, quantitative and qualitative research that address service design methods and tools, service innovations, new business models, legal and society issues, and customer acceptance issues are welcome.